Standardize GCX mounting solutions throughout your healthcare facility.
Mounting solutions for Information Technology and Electronic Medical Records equipment.
Mounting solutions based on your mounting location.
Mounting solutions designed specifically for your medical and patient monitoring devices.
Mounting solutions for medical device OEM partners range from off-the-shelf to complete custom products.
Status: Available
Length: 21.5"
Width: 20"
Height: 30"
Weight: 50LB
Non-Powered Warranty: 7 Year Structural, 7 Year Accessory, 3 Year OEM
After one shift with the Jaco UltraLite 200 cart, you’ll wonder how you ever used a laptop without it. This compact, agile cart glides easily through busy hallways and tight spaces, and fits close to the bedside to simplify patient care. And with Jaco’s wide variety of available accessories – drawer systems, wire baskets, wipe holders and more – you can customize the UltraLite 200 for virtually any application.
Standard configuration includes:
- Blue Accent Color
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